Stuck in the Middle

Have you ever been to a carnival or fair where you could walk through a hall of mirrors? This is a picture of a hall of mirrors I got to go through at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. It’s really neat to see how mirrors work, distorting your body into all different kinds of shapes and sizes. But it can also be frustrating, running into the walls as you attempt to find your way out. Have you ever felt like you’re in a mirror maze, trapped and confused? You know God has a plan, but you can’t seem to find your place in it? Have you ever been stuck in the middle? Continue reading “Stuck in the Middle”

Picture This-Refresh Your Walk

Feeling exhausted? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually?

In a Christian’s life, spiritual exhaustion can result in spiritual extinction. No, you don’t lose your salvation, but you’ll lose your passionate pursuit of God. The following pictures are ten mini-devotions that I hope will refresh you spiritually. You can read them every day, or at your own pace. Continue reading “Picture This-Refresh Your Walk”

Keeping It Real

This year on my senior trip, I was able to visit Ellis Island for the first time. It was exciting, but I couldn’t see it very well from where we had parked. However, as we walked down the path to the ferry that would take us to the island, I came across some coin-operated binoculars. It cost me a little, but the binoculars helped me to view the island much better.

Are we too quick to allow others to view our lives through a set of binoculars? When is honest too honest? Are we magnifying parts of our lives that dishonor God in an attempt to relate to others? How does God define genuine? Continue reading “Keeping It Real”